Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I have a new pattern to introduce you guys to. It's the first pattern I've named and it is a little more complicated than patterns really ought to be. It was inspired by a woven rug at a camp house I was at last fall.

Me and some of my relatives were having a "hagfest" (What we call reunions with just us ladies.) out in the Adirondacks of NY. Our weekend was lovely, but come Sunday and Monday we found ourselves entirely rained in by the Tropical Storm "Irene". As some of you may know, Irene wiped out many of the Vermont roads so driving home was a chore! But as we sat around enjoying the rain I started trying to dissect this amazing carpet on the porch.

The pattern along the edge of this rug was my inspiration, I thought that it had to have a "solution" somehow.. it's so geometrical! This is what I ended up with, I call it "Irene".

I know it looks a little daunting at first, but I think it just takes a little practice and you can start to really have fun with it. It works best in larger spaces and when you use pencil to shade it in a bit. :)

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